quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

The Universe LIVE? Likely ... Why not?

By: Milton Mirote

The Universe LIVE? Likely ... Why not?

And if the universe is a living being? I think about it, because the universe is inanimate, it moves, has its own animation, creates and recreates itself. It can be a way of life different from what we know. Now say that he is a being of intelligence upon our understanding, very difficult to find. What would you say to me? We are a universe of examples for bacteria. The galaxies could compare how cells of the universe, as far as my knowledge comes vacant, always new galaxies are being created, correct me if I'm wrong. Expand, can even be considered in further analysis, a means of moving. In another analogy, the universe recreates itself, so that was started with the big bang. Even as I know, we are made of stellar dust. We are biological beings today. I do not know what you can tell me, but biological beings reproduce and give other biological beings. Living beings and biological came from other living beings and biological processes, it makes sense to see the universe as a great living being, organic or not, but we gave him up. Carl Sagan said that we are all formed of stellar dust. Go to this universe is 'son' from another universe. Worse! If you follow the logic, we humans are intelligent beings and biological, we breed and create new biological humans, which assures us that the universe is not a living being smart where we come from? Will drafted or reelaborei a new paradox of science? Anyone can interpret such a thought as pantheist, atheist, agnostic, deist, theist and other any other isms. Vai there a reflection while atheistic and theistic more than I could imagine ...

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